Welcome to the integration with Neon. This 'How To' will walk you through how to integrate your Neon account with your ClickBid admin under the Integrations tab.
You will need to log in to your Neon CRM account and locate your Organization ID and your API key.
- Your Organization ID is located under Settings (gear icon) > Organization Profile > Scroll down to Account Information >Database Information> Organization ID.
- The API key is located under Settings > User Management > locate the 3 (…) click on the (...) and there is a Copy API Key tab. Click the Copy.
- Within your Event Admin, go to Integrations> Dashboard > Neon CRM > Connect> enter your Organization ID and API key. Then click Connect.
To locate your Organization ID in Neon CRM, please follow the following screenshots. (You must use your Organization ID and not your username that you use to log into Neon)

Now that your Neon CRM and admin have been integrated together your Neon CRM box will now show connected and you will have a new tab under the Integrations tab for Neon CRM. The drop-down arrow will have Import Bidders, Export/Update Bidders, Export Sales & Activity Log.

Back in your Event> Integreations tab you will see the NeonCRM tab. Expand that by clicking the dropdown arrow next to NeonCRM.

Data Mapping
ClickBid now has data mapping for Accounts and Donations. If you are planning on using the data mapping feature we suggest setting this up before you start to export bidders or sales. (These are not required to use the integration, this is only if you need additional information exported)
Data Mappings for Accounts that are preset in ClickBid
- Address Type: default is Home, this can be changed to work, school, or other.
- Phone Type: default is Home, this can be changed to work, mobile, or other
For each of these mappings that is the location you would like the bidders information to show when exporting them into NeonCRM Account profile.
Creating a custom map for Neon Field type 'Account’
- Click on the green ‘Create Custom Mapping’ button
- Select Neon field type ‘Account’
- ‘Neon Field’ select the field you have set in your Neon custom data field for Accounts. (Located under Global Settings>Accounts>Custom Fields in Neon)
- Note: the type should be set to One-Line Text and Data type leave blank
- The ClickBid fields you have to choose from are: Bidder Number, Bidder Table Number, Bidder donated at the event?, Bidder is a ticket holder?, and Bidder was a purchaser at the event?
- Once you have the mapping the way you want then click on the green ‘create’ button.
- You can have up to 5 mappings for the Account record
- These will be imported into the Neon Account record and listed under the profile of the Account.
Creating a custom map for Neon Field type ‘Donation’
- Click on the green ‘Create Custom Mapping’ button
- Select Neon field type ‘Donation’
- In the ‘Neon Field’ select the field you have set in your Neon custom data field for transactions. (Located under Global Settings>Fundraising>Donation Custom Fields in Neon)
- Note: the type should be set to One-Line Text and Data type leave blank
- to edit the data type in your neon custom fields click edit and change the name of the field then you can change the data type.
- The ClickBid fields you have to choose from are: Item Category, Item FMV, Item Name, Item Number.
- Once you have the mapping the way you want then click on the green ‘create’ button.
You can have up to 4 mappings for the donation record - These will be imported into the Neon Account record and listed under the donation after exporting a sale
Import Bidders:
To Import your bidders that are in Neon CRM go to Integrations > Neon CRM > Import Bidders. You can Select a Campaign from the filter or have it set to All.
- You can set the show to All and this will bring up your list of Accounts in Neon CRM. To the far right, you will see the words Not Yet or Imported next to the names.
- Not yet means they have not been imported into the admin as a bidder yet. Imported means they were already imported into the admin as a Bidder.

To import your accounts check the small box next to each person's name that you are ready to import as a bidder into the admin then click the import button. (this should take no more than 5 minutes)
If there is a bidder you decide you do not want to be imported go to Bidders > Manage Bidders > check on that bidder > scroll down to Batch Update > check the small box next to delete > type delete > click update. That will remove the bidder from the admin and in import bidders the 'Imported' field will change back to 'not yet'.

Export/Update Bidders:
You will have the ability to export new contacts to Neon CRM and update or link to existing Neon CRM clients. If you know they are not in your Neon CRM account yet then choose the option Add New Contact in Neon CRM
If you know they are an existing contact in Neon CRM, go to your Neon CRM account and click on the Accounts tab>Click 'Accounts' again> Then in the Search area enter the bidder's first and last name and click enter. Once you located the bidder, find the ID field and that is the number you will need to enter in the 'Link to Existing Neon CRM Contact' field.

Locate Neon CRM ID

Once you have determined if they are a new contact in Neon CRM or an Existing Neon CRM Contact then go back to your Export/Update Bidders to Neon CRM in the ClickBid admin. Check the box next to the bidders you are ready to export and in the operation drop-down choose the correct field. Then click the Export/Update button. This should take no longer than 5 minutes to export.
*Required: State is a required field for exporting. Under Bidders > Manage Bidders > in the bidder record in the address field State is required to export to Neon CRM.
You can locate your exported bidders in Neon CRM by going to the Accounts tab and in the dropdown clicking on the Accounts button.
Once your bidders have been exported and linked to Neon CRM, new fields will populate under the Export/Update Bidders to Neon CRM tab allowing you to update your bidders if you changed their phone number or email address in your Admin under Bidders > Manage Bidders. You also have the option to remove the link between the Bidder and the Neon CRM Account.
- You can export paid Ticket Sales, Text-to-Give/Online Donations, and Auction Items into Neon CRM.
- In order for the Auction Items to show in the export sales field 'Integrations > Neon>Export Sales', the items must be set to a Closed Status under Manage Items to export the sale.
1. Once you are ready to export your sales from the admin to Neon CRM go to Integrations> Neon CRM > Export Sales.
2. Under the tag 'Neon CRM Match', there will either be Contact ID- (numbers) for the Neon CRM id already linked or Attempt Match.
a) For the Attempt Match click on the magnifying glass and if they made a match either by name or associated phone/email that will show as a successful connection or if no match is found, you can Create New Contact.
If you already know the matching Neon CRM id you can click on the pencil and that will allow you to enter the id #.

Once you have the id set check the small box next to the item name that you want to send to Neon CRM and click Export Sales.
Once you click the Export Sales, another box will appear and you will need to choose the Campaign you want the Sales to be sent to.
NOTE: Names of the individual ticket, sponsorship, underwriting, auction item, or donation will pull through to Neon CRM. The full donation amount is sent. The FMV is sent via the Notes field of the Neon CRM Donation Summary.
Example: Bidder #100 purchased Item 123 for $500 and the FMV set on the item is $300. So $500 will be sent as the donation and $300 will show in the Notes field as FMV: $300. If the FMV is 0 or Priceless, nothing will show in the Notes field for FMV.
The sales are sent as donations.
You will be able to locate your sales in Neon CRM under Fundraising > Donations & Pledges, you can filter by the campaign or search for a specific user/account ID.

- Exporting Sales from your Ticket Page will include Ticket Name, Sponsorship Name, Underwriting (all with FMV), and the donation if any were made through the Ticket Page.
- The Ticket Purchaser is the only one that will export under Export Sales. The guests from your ticket page who have been turned into Bidders can be exported to your Neon Integration by going to the Export/Update Bidders Tab located under Integrations tab for Neon.
To disconnect your admin from Neon CRM, simply go to Integrations>Dashboard and then press the blue 'Connected' button located on the Neon card. This will disconnect your admin from Neon CRM.
Internal Server Error when exporting sales: Neon CRM only allows 5 API calls per second, so when selecting all your sales at once and exporting you may receive this error message. We suggest selecting 10-15 sales at a time first and then exporting. If the export was successful without the internal server error message, you can bump up your sales to 25-50 at a time. We would recommend not exceeding 50 at a time due to the API calls per second rule that Neon CRM has in place.