Allow only Checked In Bidders to View Items

Within each item, you have the ability to adjust who can bid/view the item. This setting is specific for each item and is not available through our batch update.

Items > Manage Items > Click on an item > Availability Setting on the right-hand side. Switch this setting to Checked In Bidders and then the item will only be viewable/biddable from bidders who are checked in through the system. Ensure the item's status is set to either Active or Closed, depending on what your preferences are.

How do bidders receive a checked-in status? 

Event Central > Butler > Bidder Lookup 

Type in the bidder's name and search. 

Click on the bidder's name and verify all their contact information is uploaded. 

Then, click the green Complete button to 'check in' this guest. After pressing complete, the bidder is checked in and will be able to view these specific availability items.

How do I view this information?

In Items > Manage Items, you can adjust the information that is viewable. If you select the Show/Hide Button, you can customize what information is shown. "Availability" will be automatically set to hidden. If you'd like to see this on your display, simply click the Show/Hide Button, and click availability. This will allow you to see what bidders have access to your items.