1. Help Center
  2. Organization Account

Account Information

This Account tab under the Organization account is only available to those with Organization Permissions within their user account. This person will be able to create events, make payments for renewal or upgrade to additional features, create user accounts, and manage events.

Organization Permissions

Organization Contact Info 

This section allows you to delegate the organization's contact. This contact will receive email communication in reference to the account.

Tax Information 

This is where your organization's Tax Exemption status and EIN number are viewable for your mobile bidding account.


This is the physical address of where your organization is located. This address field may also be used for creating your Merchant Account or enabling your ability to charge credit cards. In this case, please refrain from using a PO Box and use a real physical address. 

License Options / Pay Invoice

This area allows you to pay an invoice or upgrade your license.

If the renewal date is in the future then the Renew and Upgrade areas will show.

If the renewal date is in the past only the Renew section will show.

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This section will show any receipts and invoices associated with your account. 

The Paper icon allows you to view and/or print the receipt or invoice. 

The Mail icon allows you to send the receipt or invoice via email to the Organization Contact Information Email Address. 

Account Information

This will display your Organization ID. The unique number code for your organization account through ClickBid.