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Bidder Checkout

Process Instructions

Bidders can check themselves out by logging into their bidding site (accessible by your landing page) and entering their phone number or email in the welcome section.

You can also send them a text or email if you have Mass Messaging that includes the [u] shortcode that takes them directly to their bidding site. 

Example Checkout Messages

"Our auction is now over! Please check out here [u] Thank you for your participation"

"You are a winner! Checkout for your items now by clicking this link [u] and clicking on the red pay button"

"Congratulations! Please check out your winning items here [u]"

New! - Our newest feature allows you to send automatic winning text messages to bidders once the silent auction closes. Find this feature under Software Settings > Auction Settings > Payment.

Once the bidder signs in, they will see a red Pay! button at the top of the bidding site.

If you are charging credit card fees and allowing guests to opt-out of them, they will see an opt-out button when they click the pay button.

When they complete checkout, they will receive an emailed receipt with their itemized purchases.