This 'How To' will walk you through how to integrate your Bloomerang account with your ClickBid admin under the Integrations tab.
Integrating with Bloomerang
- Go to your Event Admin > Integrations > Dashboard > Bloomerang Card and click on the green Connect button.
- You will see a popup that will request your Bloomerang Integration username and API Key.
- To locate your API Key in Bloomerang, go to Settings > Users > Click on your name. This will bring up User Settings > Locate your API Key
If you do not see a 'Settings' tab on the left hand toolbar you do not have admin permissions within Bloomerang. You will need to contact your administrator to give you the permissions needed.
- Your user name should be the same as what you use to log in to your Bloomerang admin. You can find that information in Bloomerang by going to Settings > Users > Click on your name > User Settings > Edit Details > Username
- Your user name should be the same as what you use to log in to your Bloomerang admin. You can find that information in Bloomerang by going to Settings > Users > Click on your name > User Settings > Edit Details > Username
- Once you enter your Username and API Key click the green Connect button. That button will turn Blue and show connected.
- Then on the left Dashboard, you will see a tab for Bloomerang with a drop down. This is where you will find your Import Bidders, Export/Update Bidders, Export Sales, Custom Mapping, and Activity Log
Data Mapping
ClickBid now has data mapping for constituents and transactions. If you are planning on using the data mapping feature we suggest setting this up before you start to export bidders or sales.
Data Mappings for Constituents that are preset in ClickBid
- Address Type: default is Home, this can be changed to vacation or work
- Email Type: default is Home, this can be changed to work
- Phone Type: default is Home, this can be changed to work, mobile, or fax
For each of these mappings that is the location you would like the bidders information to show when exporting them into Bloomerang's constituent profile.
Creating a custom map for Bloomerang Field type 'Constituent’
- Click on the green Create Custom Mapping button
- Select Bloomerang field type Constituent
- Bloomerang Field, select the field you have set in your Bloomerang custom data field for Constituents. (Located under Settings > Custom Data > Constituents in Bloomerang)
- The ClickBid fields you have to choose from are: Bidder Number, Bidder Table Number, Bidder donated at the event?, Bidder is a ticket holder?, and Bidder was a purchaser at the event?
- Once you have the mapping the way you want then click on the green Create button.
- You can have up to 5 mappings for the constituent record
- These will be imported into the Bloomerang constituent record and listed under the profile of the constituent.
Creating a custom map for Bloomerang Field type ‘Transactions’
- Click on the green Create Custom Mapping button
- Select Bloomerang field type Transaction
- In the Bloomerang Field select the field you have set in your Bloomerang custom data field for transactions. (Located under Settings > Custom Data > Transactions in Bloomerang)
- The ClickBid fields you have to choose from are: Item Category, Item FMV, Item Name, Item Number.
- Once you have the mapping the way you want then click on the green Create button.
You can have up to 4 mappings for the constituent record - These will be imported into the Bloomerang constituent record and listed under the donation after exporting a sale.
Importing Bloomerang Constituents
Go to Integrations > Bloomerang > Import Bidders tab.
- You can set your Show Entries to 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200.
- Click on the small box next to the bidder's first name, then click on the Import button at the bottom right.
- Under the Imported? field, you will see Not Yet. (This is for constituents who have not yet been imported as a bidder)
- If the constituent has been imported as a bidder the tag will show imported.
- There is a search, we suggest adding first or last name to locate the constituent.

Export/Update Bidders
You will have the ability to export new constituents to Bloomerang and update or link to existing Bloomerang constituents. If you know an individual is not in your Bloomerang account, click Add New Constituent in Bloomerang. If the individual is a current constituent in Bloomerang then you can click Link to Existing Bloomerang Constituent.
- To locate your Bloomerang ID to link your bidder to Bloomerang, go to your Bloomerang admin and look up the constituent name you want to link and in the URL of that constituent record, you will see the Bloomerang ID in the middle of the Url usually 6 digits.
- Once you have determined if they are a new constituent in Bloomerang or existing constituent, go back to your Export/Update Bidders.
- Check the box next to the bidder you want to export and in the operation drop-down, choose the correct field.
- Click the Export/Update button.
This should take no longer than 5 minutes to export.
Exporting Sales to Bloomerang
- You can send any paid ticket sales, donations/text-to-give, and auction items.
- Go to Integrations if already connected to Bloomerang go to Bloomerang > Export Sales. If you are not connected go to the Dashboard and connect.
- You can set your Show Entries to 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 250, 900, depending on how many you want to export at one time. (The most you can do is 900 at one time.) Then click the small box next to the Item Name that you want to export. If you only want to export one at a time then click on that small box next to the item name you wish to export.
- Under the column header, Bloomerang Match, there will be Contact ID # for the Bloomerang ID already linked or attempted match. For the attempted match, click on the magnifying glass, and if they made a match either by last name or associated phone/email, they will show in the list. Or you can create a new Constituent. If you know the matching Bloomerang ID, you can click on the pencil and that will allow you to enter the ID #.
- The Item name will show in the Note section of the Donation within Bloomerang. This will also show the FMV and order id if paid by credit card.
- Once you have everything set up the way you want, click on Export Sales at the bottom right. A box will appear asking for the Fund (required field), which Campaign (optional) you want that to populate in Bloomerang, which Appeal (optional) you want to populate in Bloomerang, and Receipt Amount (two choices, Purchase Amount minus FMV or the Purchase Amount)
- The Purchase Amount minus FMV and/or full purchase amount will display under the Constituent donation in the amount column in your Bloomerang admin.
Records sent to Bloomerang are queued up and processed in the order received. This can take up to 5 minutes or longer to complete. When complete, you will see sales listed in your Constituents > Giving Summary and under the Timeline. Please note it can take longer than 5 minutes to show in your Bloomerang admin.
You can export paid sales from your Ticket Page, Donations/Text-To-Give, and Auction Items from the Export Sales. Auction items must be set to a status of Closed to show in the integrations export sales. If they are set to invisible then that sale will not show.
If you see a red X after an Export, hover over the red X and it will tell you why the export did not go through. You can also look under the Activity Log tab and you will receive an email as well.