Display Cards


Display cards keep your auction items organized while in a large display. The display cards can show FMV, an image of the item, the item number and the item description for your bidders to view before bidding on the item.  They are only printable on 8 x 10 sheets of paper.

Go to Items > Display cards > Make your selections > Click Display on the bottom of the page. 

When Launching your displays, they will populate in a new browser. From here, you can make any edits to the text or descriptions. Once you have all your displays looking good, you can print.

- If your descriptions are too long you won't be able to fit all your selections above on the page. 

- You can make changes to your Display cards after you click Display. These changes will not be saved after you hit print.

- When you are ready to print, use ctrl + P or right-click and select print. 

** Note- Our recommended theme is Classic. The border with this theme has the most space for your description.