How does Double the Donation work?
Double the Donation is a matching gifts database provider, and 360MatchPro is the fully automated matching gifts platform that they offer in addition to the database. 360MatchPro optimizes any matching gifts strategy through eligibility verification, automatic follow-up, and matching gift status and revenue tracking.
When your bidder or online donor makes a donation, during checkout they can now check to see if their employers will match their donation fully or up to a percentage.
NOTE: Must have the Double the Donation 360MatchPro account to integrate with the admin.
- Integrations>Dashboard> Double the Donation 360MatchPro box
- If you already have an account with Double the Donation, click CONNECT.
- Please have your Public Key and Private Key nearby.
- If you are NOT set up to use Double the Donation yet, click on the link that says 'Click here to get in touch with Double the Donation'. This will take you to a form to fill out. Once filled out, Double the Donation will contact you about how to purchase a license for 360MatchPro.

- Once you have your Double the Donation connected, go to Software Settings > Auction Settings > Payment > Show Double the Donation at bidder checkout > Yes.
- Or, to disable Double the Donation for bidders, leave this set to No.

- In the bidding site, once a bidder makes a donation and clicks the red PAY button to check out, they are presented with this message 'See if your company will match your donation!' with a search box under to search a company name.

- Once a company name has been entered and payment has been submitted, a page will appear that has the employer matching information if they have a matching gift program. If they do, amounts, employee eligibility, and 2 buttons for 'GO TO MATCHING GIFT FORM' and 'SEE GUIDELINES'. The 'GO TO MATCHING GIFT FORM' button will take you to your employer's page. The 'SEE GUIDELINES' button will take you to your employer's guidelines page.

- If your bidder does not choose a company at checkout after they submit their donation, they will have one more opportunity to check their company with a page that looks like this. (see below)

- Under Donations/Text-To Give > Settings, you have a setting to turn on/off Double the Donation.
Connected & turned ON:

If NOT connected to Double the Donation:

- From the online donations link, enter a donation amount and contact information and click Submit Donation. Then, you will need to enter additional info including address and credit card information. Below the billing zip code, you will see a field 'See if your company will match your donation'. Simply fill in your employer's name and click Submit Payment.
- After you submit payment, you will be presented with a thank you page. You will see the Match Amounts, Employee Eligibility, and 2 buttons for 'GO TO MATCHING GIFT FORM' and 'SEE GUIDELINES'.

- If your donor decides not to enter the company name when submitting their payment, they will have the opportunity to do so again on the thank you page.

Support Team with Double the Donation: NOTE: Must have Double the Donation 360 MatchPro account to integrate with the admin.