*Please have your Salesforce username, password, and security token available.
- Go to the upper right corner of the home page, click View Profile.

- Click on Settings

- If your personal information page pops up, click cancel.
- This will take you to your My Settings/Quick Links page.
- Click on the Personal > Reset My Security Token.
- Once you click Reset My Security Token, Salesforce will email you the new Security Token that you can enter into BidKit.

Go to the Integrations tab > Dashboard. Look for the Salesforce Integration card, and click connect.
- Click on the Connect Bubble located in the Salesforce box.
- A pop-up will open. Enter your Username, Password, and Security Token, then click Connect.

- Once all of your Salesforce credentials are entered and correct, the Salesforce button will say Connected.

- After successfully authenticating with Salesforce, in the left column of the Integrations tab, a Salesforce drop-down arrow will show.
- In the drop-down arrow will be tabs for Import Bidders, Export/Update Bidders, Export Sales to Salesforce, and Activity Log.
Data Mapping
ClickBid now has data mapping for Contacts and Opportunities. If you are planning on using the data mapping feature we suggest setting this up before you start to export bidders or sales. (These are not required to use the integration, this is only if you need additional information exported)
Creating a custom map for Salesforce Field type 'Contact’
- Click on the green ‘Create Custom Mapping’ button
- Select the Salesforce Field Type 'Contact'
‘Salesforce field’ select the field you have set in your Salesforce custom data field for Contacts.
This is located in Salesforce under the 'object manager tab'>Contact>Fields & Relationships. Set data type as 'text'
- The ClickBid fields you have to choose from are: Bidder Number, Bidder Table Number, Bidder donated at the event?, Bidder is a ticket holder?, and Bidder was a purchaser at the event?
- Once you have the mapping the way you want then click on the green ‘create’ button.
- You can have up to 5 mappings for the Account record
- These will be imported into the Salesforce Contact record and listed under the 'details' of the contact.
Creating a custom map for Salesforce Field type ‘Opportunity’
- Click on the green ‘Create Custom Mapping’ button
- Select Salesforce field type ‘Opportunity’
- In the ‘Salesforce Field’ select the field you have set in your Salesforce custom data field for opportunities.
- This is located in Salesforce under the 'object manager tab'>Opportunity>Fields & Relationships>New (to add a new field).
- Set data type as 'text' in the Salesforce field you are creating.
- The ClickBid fields you have to choose from are: Item Category, Item FMV, Item Name, Item Number.
- Once you have the mapping the way you want then click on the green ‘create’ button.
You can have up to 4 mappings for the donation record - These will be exported from the integration into the Salesforce contact record and listed under the opportunity detail area from exporting the sale.
Go to Integrations > Salesforce Tab > Import Bidders
- You can choose a campaign from Salesforce to import from, or you can leave it set so all your contacts are pulled in from Salesforce.
- Click on the small box next to the bidder's first name, then click on the import button at the bottom right.
- Under the Imported? field, you will see Not Yet. (This is for bidders who have not yet been imported as a bidder)
- You are able to select a filter to show just your imported, or your bidders who have not been imported yet.
TIP: Before your event, we suggest you only import contact with valid methods of communication (phone and/or email). Without this information, you will not be able to communicate with the guest that has a bidder record with this missing information via Mass Messaging.

- You will have the ability to export new contact to Salesforce and update or link to existing Salesforce contacts.
- If you know this individual is not in your Salesforce account, click Add New Contact in Salesforce.

- If you know the individual is an existing contact in Salesforce, go to your Salesforce account and look up the contact you need to link in Export Bidders.
- To find the Salesforce ID, click on the contact name, and in the URL you will find the Salesforce ID listed.

Click on the Details tab in the contact and see the Name, Phone, email, & Mailing address if one was set in the bidder record.
- Once you have determined if they are a new contact in Salesforce or existing contact, go back to your Export/Update Bidders to Salesforce.
- Check the box next to the bidder you want to export and in the operation drop-down, choose the correct field.
- Then, click the Export/Update button.
*This should take no longer than 5 minutes to export.
- You can locate your exported bidders in Salesforce by going to the Contacts tab.
- You can then choose all contacts or can search for the specific contact.

- Once your bidders have been exported and linked to Salesforce, new fields will populate under the Export/Update Bidders to Salesforce tab.
- You can update the bidder's contact information within the admin under Bidders > Manage Bidders.
- You also have the option to remove the link between the Bidder and the Salesforce Account.

NOTE: In order for the Auction Items to show once they are sold under Connect to BidKit > Export Sales, the items must be set to a Closed Status to export the sale.
- Go to Integrations> Salesforce > Export Sales.
- Show all entries.
- Click the small box next to the Item Name that you want to export.
- Under the tag, Salesforce Match, there will be Contact ID-# for the Salesforce ID already linked or attempt match.
- For the attempt match, click on the hourglass, and if they made a match either by name or associated phone/email, that will show. Or you can create a new contact.
- If you know the matching Salesforce ID, you can click on the pencil and that will allow you to enter the ID #.
You can export all paid ticket sales, donations/text-to-give, and auction item sales.
- Exporting Sales from your Ticket Page will include Ticket Name, Sponsorship Name, Underwriting (all with FMV), and the donation if any were made through the Ticket Page.
- The Ticket Purchaser is the only one that will export under Export Sales. The guests from your ticket page who have been turned into Bidders can be exported to your Salesforce Integration by going to the Export/Update Bidders Tab in Connect to BidKit.
- You can export paid sales from your Ticket Page, Donations/Text-To-Give, and Auction Items from the Export Sales under the Integrations tab.
- Once you have everything set up the way you want, click on Export Sales at the bottom right.
- A box will appear asking if you want to add a specific campaign fair market value, and which field you want that to populate in Salesforce. (if you do not select a field for the fair market value that will populate under the Description in Opportunities>Detail tab.)
- Payment type will populate under the Details tab in the Opportunities in the Description Tab.

When the Export Sales is complete, you will see the sale listed in the Opportunities section of your Salesforce Contact record page, once you click on Opportunity Name> then click details.

- You can look in your Activity Log tab to see if you had anything fail or if your imports/exports were successful.
- You can also receive an email if you have anything that fails to import or export.
What do I do if I receive this error while trying to upload ticket sales into Salesforce?"We can't save this record because the “Opportunity Acknowledgement” process failed". The reason you are receiving this error is that your Salesforce account is blocking the transmission of our "opportunity". In order to get them to load you will have to contact your Salesforce representative and have them temporarily suspend the workflow while sales are pushed to Salesforce. This will allow them to properly pass through. It is a setting that you have set up on your Salesforce account.
What do I do if I get a 500 Error Message in the Integration with Salesforce?
This usually means there is a break between Salesforce and the integration. This could be a changed Salesforce Password causing the integration to not talk back and forth. Please disconnect from Salesforce card under the Integration tab>Dashboard>click the blue Connected button. Then click the green connect button on the Salesforce card and and the API/Login Information.