In this article, learn how to:
- Modify Tickets
- Customize ticket page settings
- Manage Ticket Pages
- Manage Guests
- View Ticket Sales and Summaries
- Use the RSVP Ticket Function
If testing functions of the ticket page, we HIGHLY recommend using the check or cash option to avoid imputing real credit card information or accumulating credit card fees your organization will be responsible for.
Modify Tickets
Event Tickets > Modify Tickets
This is where you will add individual tickets, sponsorships, underwriting, and selections.
Price: This is the set price per ticket
Ticket Title: The title of your ticket/sponsorship/underwriting. There is a 26 character limit.
Tickets per Purchase: This sets how many guest tickets come with the purchase of 1 tickets. This is great for couple or family ticket packages.
Quantity Available: If you have a limited amount of tickets available, enter this here.
Ticket Details: This will appear below the ticket title. This is a great place for a description of your ticket.
Selection: Add an individual selection for each meal choice or selection you would like your guests to select. Your ticket purchaser will only be allowed to choose one option.
To rearrange the display order of tickets, right-click/hold the ticket line and drag it up or down. These can be arranged within their original section (individual ticket, sponsor level, etc.)
Once you create a Ticket/Sponsorship/Underwriting and a purchase or sale has been made, do not change the name of the ticket. Changing the ticket name can affect the accuracy of your reporting, as well as your ability to send guest links.
Ticket Page Settings
Navigate to Event Tickets > Ticket Page Settings
The first things you will find on this page is your ticket page URL and ticket page QR Code. Click the link to save.
- Form Name: You are able to change the name of your ticket page here.
General Settings: Choose which elements to ask for on the ticket form and adjust the ordering display for tickets, sponsorships, underwriting, donation, and seating preference.
Allow Purchaser to keep card on file: This setting allows your ticket purchasers to keep a card on file when purchasing a ticket. If a purchaser chooses to do this, their guest profile will be automatically converted to a bidder. This will not send them a notification.
Allow Guest Updates?: This is the Guest Update Link Setting.
NO = Guests are unable to update their own settings. Ticket Purchasers will not be sent a guest update link.
YES = Updates can be made by all guests except the ticket purchaser. The guest update link will be sent
- Receipt Email Addresses: Add emails to receive a notification when a ticket has been purchased under Software Settings > Event Settings > Event Support Contact. Then, ctrl + under Event Tickets > Ticket Page Settings > General Settings.
- Show fair market value on ticket purchaser receipts?: This setting will allow the option to show or not show the fair market value entered for a ticket on the purchasers receipt.
- Footer Contact: The contact information will show on the bottom of the ticket page.
Payment Types: Choose or change payment options on your ticket form.
Additional Features: Choose or change features within your ticket form. You also can add a comment label for each display.
Customizable Content: Edit your copy blocks to customize your form.
Top Message: Appears at the top of the ticket page.
Receipt Header: Adjust the header of your ticket purchase receipt.
Confirmation Message: This will appear on the page following successful ticket purchase.
Link Email Message: This will appear in the Guest Update Link email sent to purchasers that have guests that may need to be updated.
Header Image and Background Color: Upload a header image and choose a header background color. The background color will also be used for section headers.
Manage Ticket Pages
Event Tickets > Manage Ticket Pages
Each Enhanced or Full Suite License includes a ticket page. With this, you have the ability to add additional ticket pages to your event. This allows you to sell multiple ticket types within one event. (i.e. sponsorship tickets vs. individual tickets.)
Go to Event Tickets > Manage Ticket Pages
- Click "Create New Ticket Page"
- This will bring you to the new ticket pages' Modify Tickets page.
- To update the name of the ticket page, go to Event Tickets > Your new ticket page > Ticket Page Settings > Form Name > Edit the content box at the end of your ticket page URL.
- If this was a mistake and you want to remove the page, reach out to your Account Manager to delete the page under Training/Support > Request Support.
Manage Guests
Event Tickets > Manage Guests
Any ticket purchasers will be placed in this list of 'guests' along with their ticket type and meal selection.
To assign them a bidder number and allow them to start bidding on items, you must convert them into a bidder.
Once you convert guests into bidders, you can manage them under Bidders > Manage Bidders.
To convert guests into bidders, simply select all entries and scroll down to our Batch Update field and select 'Make Bidder'.
To see any guests that have already been assigned a bidder number, use the arrows next to 'Bid # Assigned' and 'yes'. Any guests still set to 'no' have not been assigned a bidder number.
View Ticket Sales
Event Tickets > View Ticket Sales
This report shows your ticket sales data.
If you would like to download an Excel or CSV file of this report, please use the Download Ticket Sales in the blue navigation bar on the top of the page. This will include ticket purchaser contact information, total, purchase date, pay type, name, and quantity.

Note: Ticket sales are no longer able to be archived. The ticket sales can remain in the View Ticket Sales section, or can be deleted with a batch update. Creating a new ticket page is recommended.
Sales Summary
Event Tickets > Sales Summary
This page breaks down your ticket, sponsorship, and underwriting data as a whole.
Viewing quantity sold and total sales per individual item.
Enter RSVP Ticket
Event Tickets > Enter RSVP Ticket
This tab will populate a page that looks exactly like your ticket page and gives you the chance to enter an RSVP ticket for one of your guests.
On this ticket form, you will have the ability to process payment via check, credit, or cash.
After entering in an RSVP ticket and the purchaser's contact information, the purchaser's email will receive a receipt confirmation.
Ticket Purchase Confirmation Email: All emails listed under Software Settings > Account Settings > Contact Information will receive all ticket purchase confirmation emails, unless an email is added under Event Tickets > Ticket Page Settings > General Settings > Receipt Email Address.
Ticket Page Confirmation Area: After a purchaser purchases a ticket, they are shown the receipt and confirmation message. You can edit the confirmation message from Event Tickets > Ticket Page Settings > Customizable Content > Confirmation Message. You can edit the Receipt Header from Event Tickets > Ticket Page Settings > Customizable Content > Receipt Header. If you have a logo added under Software Settings > Account Settings > Logo/API, the logo will appear at the top of the ticket receipt.