Using AuctionGPT in ClickBid's Admin

ClickBid has provided a quick way to use AI in your use of our platform. AI has proven to greatly improve content when used properly. There are some key tips and tricks that will make your use of AuctionGPT more effective. Let's dig into them now.

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You will begin to see links like the one above when editing content in ClickBid. This is our quick AuctionGPT tool that can help you write great emails. To give it a try, click the link to pop open a prompt box where you can ask for help writing your specific email.


Sample Prompt

Let's say you want to send an email to welcome guests to your event. The fastest way to use this is to ask AuctionGPT to "Write a paragraph that welcomes my guests to our event this Saturday at 6pm. Remind them to park in the A Ramp across the street."

When you press "Submit", AuctionGPT will process your request and return a response directly into your edit box.

NOTE: We will always insert responses at the end of your existing content. You can then choose to move it around at your discretion. If you are using AuctionGPT to help with text messages, we will replace your existing content to keep the length below 160 characters.

In this example, AuctionGPT might respond with:

"Dear guests, We are absolutely thrilled to extend our warmest welcome to each and every one of you for our highly anticipated event this Saturday at 6pm. Your presence means a lot to us, and we cannot wait to create an unforgettable experience together. In order to assist with your convenience, we kindly remind you to park in the A Ramp located just across the street from the event venue. We hope you have a fantastic time and look forward to celebrating together! Warm regards, [Your Name]"

With this response, you can make quick edits and send it out. If you want to refine your question, simply delete the content and press the link again.


Prompting AuctionGPT gives you many options. Here's a few that will significantly help you!

  • First, define length. Ask "Write a paragraph..." or "Compose an elegant email..." to tell AuctionGPT what it should return. You can even ask for a limit such as " Limit response to 160 characters." or "Write a sentence about...".
  • Think about specifics. Let's say you need help writing about a new auction item. When you prompt AuctionGPT, you don't need to be elegant. "Write a description about a beige 4 person patio set from Home Dept. It's made of wicker. Limit to 50 words." Notice how we limited it to 50 words? That helps AuctionGPT from getting carried away. Here's what we got.

"The beige 4 person patio set from Home Depot features elegant wicker construction, enhancing its durability and aesthetic appeal. Its comfortable seating arrangement perfectly accommodates four individuals, providing an outdoor space for relaxation and conversations."

  • Improve key parts of your own content. Maybe you are writing your Thank You Letter to item donors. You're stuck on a section about how best to say "our organizations is thankful for you" but it's not coming out right. Try this "Help me say "our organization is thankful for you" in two sentences."

"Our organization wants to express its gratitude for your support. We are truly thankful for you."


To help our charities with great prompts, here are a handful you can use for your AI assistant.

  • Write a text welcoming guests to our event tomorrow night.
  • Write a text reminding people to check into the auction early before the event.
  • Write an email about our upcoming event this weekend at VENUE. Remind them to come before TIME to get checked in and ready when the doors open. Limit to 3 paragraphs.
  • Write a product description about a wine and cheese package. Limit to 1 paragraph.
  • Write a funny and sarcastic description about PRODUCT NAME. It is a TYPE with ACCESSORIES. Limit to 2 paragraphs.
  • Write an elegant thank you email to our donors of the great auction items that they donated. Our event raised TOTAL and it was largely due to their generosity. The event was last Saturday. Limit to 2 paragraphs total.


Hitting "enter" after typing a prompt in the content box will not prompt AuctionGPT to write your content and will cause it to error out.  Please only hit the "submit" button located below the content box.