WhatsApp Notifications


For iOS users, Push Notifications are unavailable and a Text Message or SMS message will only be sent.

iOS products are unable to use Push Notifications due to strict Apple policies, but Push Notifications are sent on Mac products. However, if a text message were not to be received by the bidder, the notification will be sent via WhatsApp.


iOS users will not get a WhatsApp request to allow WhatsApp messages unless a text message fails. The software will try sending via SMS and if that fails, it will send a WhatsApp popup to allow WhatsApp to send messages. If the bidder chose to "Stop" text messages, WhatsApp will not send a message either way. 

If you have an Android device, click here to view our Push Notifications Best Practice.


WhatsApp How To: 

For iOS users, when they log into the bidding site on their device and a previous SMS message has been undelivered or blocked, they are presented with this popup.

This asks them if they would like to receive notifications via WhatsApp as a backup to SMS messages and allows them to click to download or open WhatsApp. If an individual does not download or have WhatsApp, notifications will still be sent via SMS or text. 


After downloading and opening WhatsApp, the user will be required to enter information regarding their phone number. 

The individual will then receive a message from WhatsApp. The bidder must reply to this message to ensure they are receiving notifications via WhatsApp. WhatsApp also requires the bidder to reply to this message every 24 hours to keep receiving notifications from this specific sender. This is a WhatsApp requirement for spam messaging. 


When a user does not receive a text or SMS message but receives a message via WhatsApp, this is what it looks like.