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Winning Bidder Text

Silent and blind auction winners with a phone number on file will automatically receive a text when the auction closes alerting them that they are a winner.  

Note: In software settings > auction settings > payment, the "guests can checkout from phone?" option must be set to "yes" in order for the winning text to be sent.  This option shows the red pay button on the bid site and the [p] shortcode will not work if this option is set to "no."

This setting can be found under software settings > auction settings > payment.  We have already provided a default message which includes the shortcode [p].  Clicking this link will take the bidder to the bidding site to pay.  If they were previously logged in, it will take them right to the payment page, if they have logged out, they will be prompted to log in again and will have to direct to the red pay button to check themselves out.  

Note: If "Silent Auction Winning Text Messages" is set to yes, only one message will be sent per bidder regardless of the number of items they win.  However, multiple closing times may result in multiple messages.

In new events, this will be switched to "on" by default, all existing events it will be set to "off" by default.  You can see what you have this setting set to in dashboard > readiness under the "Important Dates & Info" block.