Mobile Check In

Virtual/Mobile Check-In

Bidders can check themselves in and give your organization a count for their attendance to your in-person event or if they're attending remotely.

  • To activate this setting, go to Software Settings > Landing Page Content > Login Register Area, Allow Mobile Check-In
  • Set a specific date and time of when you want to start allowing their guests to check themselves in. 

When your bidders log into the bid site, they are presented with a screen of their name, and a survey for if they will be attending the in-person event. There will be a thumbs up and a thumbs down. The bidder can click either option and the software will record their attendance. If they choose thumbs up, they will be considered 'checked in' and will have a 'checked in' tag next to their bidder record under Bidders > Manage Bidders. If they choose the thumbs down, there will be a 'remote' tag next to their bidder record, to let the organization know they will be attending your event remotely. 

Your bidders will only have the ability to click the thumbs one time. 

The Checked In Bidders report will also show if they were checked in by the admin (through the Butler) or self-check-in (logging in to the bidding site).


Click Here to view our In Person check in process